One more Covid 19 case confirmed in Uganda; a 27 year old Kenyan truck driver.

The ministry of health on its official website has communicated that on the 5th of May 2020 at around 12 o’clock one new Covid 19 case has been confirmed from the 2,168 samples of truck drivers. The new case is a 27 year old Kenyan truck driver who arrived from Kenya via Busia. It adds... Continue Reading →

Bed ridden Zaake narrates inhuman torture at military detention; entirely denies breaking presidential Covid 19 directives on food delivery.

In a long post on his official facebook page this afternoon, honorable Francis Zaake has made a press release narrating his ordeal from the time he was arrested in a bathroom to the CMI headquarters and then to Iran-Uganda hospital  in Naguru. Zaake insists that at no time was distribution of Covid 19 food mentioned... Continue Reading →

Bobi Wine, Besigye and 4 others petition Museveni and regime to UN Security Council; seek harsh penalties.

The opposition politician and members of parliament seek; Share these concerns with the UNSC and ask member states what they are doing about the assault on democracy and human rights in Uganda. Urge all donors nations to with hold military aid to Museveni government Urge all UN members to place travel bans and asset freezes... Continue Reading →

African Union in talks with Madagascar over herbal cure, as WHO pronounces self on ‘cure’

The African union through its official website has said that it holding talks with the president of Madagascar through its embassy in Addis Abbaba with a view to obtain technical data regarding the safety and efficiency of a herbal remedy recently announced by the president of Madagascar. The African Union Center for disease and Control... Continue Reading →

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