USA’s CDC and British NHS reporting Covid 19 fate on racial and ethnic lines, is it scientifically helpful.?

As Covid 19 takes its toll and claims a comparable portion of the global population and global earnings, the whole world has taken notice and indeed wants to keep a record of this merciless and unforgiving wave of a virus. The major purpose of all these records is at the end of the day find... Continue Reading →

After over a record 4 months, Lesotho becomes last African country to record Covid 19 case.

It’s now been over 130 days ever since the 1st Covid 19 pandemic case was recorded in Wuhan in the People’s Republic of China but guess what, it would be until the end of over the 130 days till the whole of the African continent’s states are engulfed into the invisible claws of the indefensible... Continue Reading →

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