Nkuruziza’s Ndayishimiye Evariste is now Burundi president.

Mr Evariste is now the president of the republic of Burundi

After over 58 years without peaceful and democratic transition of power and amid Covid 19, Burundi has voted into power yet another president.

The election that took place amidst a world of an infectious disease with alleged fraud in elections process and arrests of opposition politicians is quite not new in also other African countries.

The electoral commission of Burundi has today made an announcement that Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye a 52 year old retired General and a high-ranking member of the CDNDD-FDD party has won presidential elections with 68.72% with the major opposition candidate Agatha Rwasa seconding with 24.19%.

The opposition giant of Burundi has refuted the results saying they are fanciful and a total manipulation of the election results.

Agathon Rwasa the major opposition candidate has said today that he would not take to the streets for the first time but would rather make an appeal to the constitutional court. However the opposition candidate does not dispute the fact that the electorate body is under the control and influence of the government.

Burundi has been under sanctions by its major donors, EU, Belgium, Germany among others ever since its major political crisis in 2015 when the now president Nkuruziza took on a controversial third term raising an outcry among the opposition and international bodies.

Burundi is ranked among the first five poorest countries in the world with an estimate of 75% of the population living under poverty. The country is reported to have at least 13% of the population living in urban centers and

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