AU @57, AU chairperson directs blame for Libya conflict.

Mr Gaddafi was one of the founding fathers and largest sponsor of the African Union but had the most disgraceful death

As the media and other entertainment programs and ventures take a stance to celebrate the day in style through a continental online concert, the AU chairperson has added his voice to the many celebrant voices.

Amidst the ‘virus’ pandemic, the African Union has not set aside its annual obligation to celebrate its annual anniversary.

The body’s chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat congratulated Africa on reaching the day of anniversary but has highly condemned the ongoing war atrocities in Libya and has said that all are guilty for the escalation of conflict.

“I am deeply touched by the sight of the current events in Libya, one of the founding members of the OAU and the principle initiator of the proponents of the AU.” the chairperson tweeted.

“The tragedy being played out in Libya is of profound concern to all of us concerned. No one is blameless in the failure, neither is any segment in the international body which has great responsibility in the persistence or even escalation on the conflict “the chairperson said.

The ongoing conflict in Libya has seen what the UN has categorized as foreign interference into Libyan affairs. The conflict has seen direct combat by mercenaries from the Wagner group of Russia, Turkish military, funding from Egypt, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia among other countries.

All these countries support different fronts in the Libyan conflict; some the UN recognized government of Tripoli and others the war lord General Khalifa Hafter.

The Obama led Libyan conflict began with the then president Col. Muammar Gaddaffi rivaling with NATO leaders who then claimed he was killing his own people and that NATO needed to intervene to save a humanitarian crisis from the dictator that had ruled the country for 42 years.

The former leader was then captured by a militia mob from a convey, flogged and later shot dead in one of the most cruel and dehumanizing manner for a leader that saw major economic and social transformation in the desert country.  

However the African union says that it has taken steps to end the conflict through dispute resolution mechanism.

“The African union has in the past few months taken some steps to solve the Libyan crisis. A high level committee on Libya headed by the Congolese president Denis Sassou Nguesso met in Oyo, northern Congo and agreed on Libyan led reconciliation process.” The African union says.

Ever since the inception of the war, Africa has not been at the center stage of the Libyan conflict but however serves as an observer and strong critic of the war crimes and conflicts in the country.

2 thoughts on “AU @57, AU chairperson directs blame for Libya conflict.

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  1. It’s high time afrika began to practice her own religion and realize that the west nothing but conflicting and disorganizing Africa
    afrika wake up


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