We know you: Zanzibar Deputy president warns corrupt officials

By Almachius Kanyasi

Tanzania.The second Vice President of Zanzibar, Ambassador Seif Ali Idd has today warned members of the Revolutionary party that seek to hold various leadership positions through the party to refrain from illicitly spending money with the aim of retaining and attaining there leadership positions as it violates the party’s constitution.

In addition, Ambassador Seif Ali Idd has warned that there are some people who are interested in running for leadership but instead of going on their own they send some people to bribe on their behalf.

He said that they have information about this and will respond accordingly since the people buying the leadership are not good people at all.

Zanzibar Deputy Vice President Seif Ali Idd made the statement today during his party’s visit to Shinyanga Region when he met with leaders of the Revolutionary Party of the Province and Kahama District as the guardian of the Revolutionary Party of Shinyanga Region.

” Any leader who seeks leadership by buying is not a good leader, leadership is not sought for purchase but leadership is sought for making arguments ”. He said.

In addition, the senior leader in the country has emphasized that the government is vigilant to identify all those who want to use financial means to gain leadership since its eyes are bright everywhere and they are confident that they will be seen as irresponsible and want to stop such politics immediately.

Ambassador said; “someone brought you money for buying leadership but don’t choose them because you may be wrong and you may find you are choosing a crime in the state because the corrupt leader is a criminal like other criminals.”

Ambassador Idd has called on MPs in Shinyanga Region to continue the task of fulfilling their commitments to the people as they are still leaders until the commencement exercise begins although some may be losing some of their time and others losing leadership positions by failing to vote.

 '' Get rid of those leaders who spend money to fulfill the promise of a revolutionary party that wants a candidate to pass without the use of corruption and greed. Adopting a corrupt leader means passing evil in the state ''. He warned.
In addition, the leader has warned that there are currently some members of the Revolutionary Party and some government officials pretending to be candidate brokers and are encouraging some people to contest for leadership positions and warn that this behavior is also unacceptable as leadership is voluntary.
In his greetings to Revolutionary party members in Shinyanga Region of Kahama on Tuesday,Kishimba asked Zanzibar Deputy Vice President Seif Ali Idd to look at how best to motivate them even to provide health insurers for their efforts in building the Revolutionary party.
The Second Vice-President of Zanzibar is in Shinyanga Region for a Party visit and will continue his tour in Shinyanga Municipality and continue to carry out Party activities as a guardian of the Party in Shinyanga Region.

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