President Magufuli Inspects Tanzania’s Standard Gauge Railway in Dar El Salaam.

By Almachoius Kanyaasi.

Tanzania.The President of the United Republic of Tanzanian Dr John Pombe Magufuli yesterday June 28th over saw the development of the standard gauge railway line for the first phase in Dar el salaam.

The president expressed his utmost satisfaction of the development ensued at the project of the construction site.

President Magufuli traveled by car along the railway from Kisarawe, in Soga on the Coast and then boarded a train on the new railway from Soga to Kongo before continuing his journey to Morogoro by car.

Tanzania Railway Corporation (TRC) chief engineer Masanja Kadogosa explained to President Magufuli that construction on the first railway line has reached 82 percent of which 13,000 Tanzanians have benefited from employment and is expected to be completed by the end of this year (2020).

Speaking to Soga and Congolese citizens, President Magufuli congratulated them on getting the project done and wanted them to continue to work on their efforts and knowledge so that they could benefit more from the project.

In addition the president listened to the concerns of the people where he ran a fundraiser for the improvement of the Soga primary school and succeeded in collecting 68535000 Tsh including his 5 million contribution.

He demanded the minister of land hosing and housing devlopment William Likuvi to resolve land disputes in the village between the settlers and the owner of a large farm in the village which is nit cultivated.

Magufuli saying hello to the crowds.

He noted that the phase five government has taken concrete steps to implement the project which cost Tsh. 7.02 trillion for the area from Dar el Salaam to Makutupora in Dodoma region, as well as implementing a massive 2,115 megawatts generating project in the Nyerere dam to boost the economy of Tanzania and to assist the income of the people and thus called Tanzanians to support the efforts.

He also directed water minister to ensure that the ministry of water solves the crisis of Mbubu school and pond stream and also directed the minster of construction, transport and communication engineer Isack Lamwele to start the construction process of the mfia-mzenga roadside road to connect the receivers and the railway.

The President is still holding a tour of the area.

The president arrived in Mororgoro today and will continue his visit in the region where he will lay the cornerstone of the construction of the Standard gauge railway line in Morogoro, Mkatuparo, launch the Rudewa-Kilisa paved road and will hold a public rally in the area Mkadage in Kiliso district.

President Magufuli has also called on all Tanzanians to prepare for the upcoming general elections this year while remembering to maintain peace unity and solidarity as well as choosing the right leaders.

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