Breaking:Ivory Coast prime minister dies leaving behind a Presidential bid.

The late Gon Amadou had a heart illness.

The prime minister of Ivory Coast now the the late Amadou Gon Coulibaly has been reported dead according to the ministry of information of COTE D’IVOIRE.

The prime minister was lately under medication in France for a heart examination and also reportedly to rest amid the covid pandemic.

The countriy’s airports have been closed ever since the declaration of a lock down but the prime minister managed to get airlifted to France for a medical examination.

Mr Coulibaly was the presidential candidate of the ruling Rally of Republicans Party RHDP.

Mr Gon Caulibaly had been endorsed by president Ouattara to run for president after the president declined to run for a third term.

However the death of the presidential aspirant has triggered suspicion of violence in the ruling party over who could be next in the line.

“I pay tribute to my younger brother my son Amadou Gon Caulibaly who was for thirty years my closest collaborator” President Ouattara said Making his official comuniqúe about the death

The party came into power after a decisive election that saw the then incubent president Laurent Gbagbo refusing to leave the office of the president after Allassan Ouattara had worn the elections.

Mr Gbagbo was given an ultimatum of 3 days to leave office or face military intervention. Upon refusal, the then president was nabbed in his vest and inner shorts out of the office and arrested.

People from Ivory Coast have sent their condolences to the family, while some have blamed his loyalty to the president for his death, ‘why do you have to over work when you know you have a weak heart and in the times of covid 19’ a national commented.

Some have conceeded to having lost a lion of Ivory Coast once again.

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