Museveni eyes 40 years in power, officially nominated for 2021 presidential race

Museveni and wife Kataha clad in the party colours, yellow.

Today the National Resistance Movement (NRM) has nominated those that will run on its ticket come 2021 general elections.

Museveni, arrived at the NRM Secretariat, Plot 10 Kyadondo Road, minutes after 11:00AM.w

He was accompanied by the First Lady Janet Kataaha Museveni, who is also the Minister for Education and Sports.

The president and current chairperson of the NRM party has today returned the nomination forms and subsequently paid the 20 million fee required by the party electoral commision.

Museveni will be running for his 5th term as president but shall however face stiff competition from the new formed popular NUP and long term opposition parties like FDC,ANT, JEEMA, DP among others.

If he success come 2021 he will be only the 4th longest serving non royal leader in Africa led by Paul Biya of Cameroon.

Under the 34 year rule Uganda has been recorded as the 3rd poorest country in the entire universe having all of people living below the poverty line in acute severe circumstances of survival.

However the government brags about the huge investments in the country often comparing them to what was in existence 35 years back.

Some critics, Bassajja Mivule a Ugandan journalist and TV host to note lately have avered specifically that these are mere tools of looting Uganda’s wealth and enriching foreigners at the cost of the natives

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